Big Title
Figure 1: What does the Audience like the most about our Stream?
Figure 1: This Pie Chart illustrates what are/does our audience likes about our live streaming. 6.3% or 1 of our viewers answered that He/She liked us. And 6.3% or 1 of our viewers answered that He/She liked the first part of our stream. 6.3% of our viewers answered that “what I like is that you explore or play the 2 modes or the br and mp mode of the codm and show it to the viewers”. And 6.3% liked our “Gameplay”. And 25.0% answered that they like the “Whole stream”. 18.8% of our respondents answered that they liked the “Gaming”part. 6.3% answered that He/She liked the “The members are enjoying”. And 6.3% also answered that it is “Fun and interactive”. 6.3% answered that He/She liked the “Interaction with the audience during the game.” And lastly 6.3% of our viewers answered that He/She liked “The way that the group played COD.”
Figure 2: What do our viewers like the least about our Live Streaming?
Figure 2: So this Pie Chart illustrates what are the things that our viewers liked the least. So 12.5% or 2 of our viewers answered that they liked it the least “It was a bit laggy”. And 6.3% or 1 of our viewers answered that “I think the intro I suggest that put some music on it.” That's the thing She/He liked the least about our stream. And lastly 81.3% or 13 of our viewers answered that there’s nothing they liked the least about our stream “None”.
Figure 3: How will our viewers rate our Live Streaming?
Figure 3: In this Pie Chart it represents what our viewers rate our live streaming. 1 out of 16 of our viewers or 3.9% answered that they will rate our live stream as “Neutral”. 2 out of 16 of our viewers answered that they will rate our live streaming as 4 which is “Good”. And lastly they were 13 out of 16 of our viewers rate our live stream as 5 which is the highest rate.
Figure 4: What do our viewers suggest to us that we need to Improve
Figure 4: This Pie Chart represents the suggestion of our viewers about our live streaming. 1 out of 16 of our viewers suggest that “uhm I think put some non music copyrighted music on the starting soon or the intro second Use a software so that it may improve your stream”. And 1 out of 16 of our viewers suggest “that it's a bit laggy”. And lastly 87.5% or 14 of our viewers suggest “None” which means that there’s nothing to improve about our Live Streaming.