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Figure 1: What did you like the most about our Stream?
Figure 1: This Pie Chart illustrates that each of our viewers has different likes in our stream. Just like one of our viewers said that “She/he likes the flow of our stream” and also “They had fun watching our stream”. The Summary of this chart is, the majority of our viewers' answers to this question are the flow of the stream, how our team communicates, and how our team had fun during the stream was answered by 40% of our viewers. 32% liked our gameplay, 16% liked everything about our stream, and provided that our stream was entertaining and interesting. Other things that our respondents liked are that we met their expectations, the clutch of our players, and how our stream was managed and organized with a 4% of each.
Figure 2: What did you like the least about our Stream?
Figure 2: This figure shows what our viewers liked the least about our stream. The majority of our respondents answered N/A, none, and nothing with a percentage of 80% all and all. Our viewers' other answers are “slightly low energy”, “some internet problems”, “when it’s all just talking”, “it’s quite laggy”, and some suggested using other platforms with a comment of “since they were streaming, through google meet, it’s a bit lag. I would recommend using discord instead or other platforms.” with a percentage of 4 each different comments.
Figure 3: How would you rate our live broadcast?
Figure 3: This chart shows how our viewers or audience rate our live streaming. It illustrates that the majority of our viewers rated our stream as 4/5 with a percent of 56.6. Others rated our live streaming as the highest rate which is 5 with 37.7%. While, some rated us just in the middle which is 3/5 rate with 5.7%.
Figure 4: If our streaming needs improvement, what can we do to make it better?
Figure 4: It shows here what are the things that we need to improve on in the live stream that we can apply to our live streaming in the future. It demonstrates that the majority answered N/A and none with 80% of the answers. 20% said that we need to improve on the interacting part, use other platforms, have a little tech check, and have a better sound and mic quality.